Hydraulic Piston Rod Metal Finishing with Robotics
Acme has created a variety of robotic finishing solutions to address complex super finishing processes for manufacturers of hydraulic cylinders, who supply the construction and agricultural markets. These engineered solutions improve part quality and production efficiency.
Solution Overview
Developed with unique EOAT (End of arm tooling) technology that allows piston rods to be fixtured between centers, with servo controlled rotational speed for maximum super finishes, utilizing very fine abrasives, non-woven abrasives and buffing wheels with abrasive compound. All controlled with a seven or an eight-axis robot.
Process Scope
- Abrasive belt super finishing – pre & post – chrome plating
- Buffing wheels with compound – pre & post – chrome plating
- Programmable compliance for all finishing operations performed by robot.
- Automated material handling and queuing of parts weighing up to 600 kgs.
- Application of wax material to enhance corrosion resistance
- Pre-Chrome finishes down to 0.1um (4Ra)
- Post-Chrome finishes down to 0.06um
- Controlled OD stock removal of 25mm to 50mm
- Single part material handling for all processes for maximum productivity
- Many more
Types of Hydraulic Cylinders Finished
- Telescoping cylinders
- Piston cylinders for excavators
- Piston cylinders for back hoes
- Piston cylinders for general equipment
- Many more
Hydraulic Cylinder Finishing Solutions
- Compliant abrasive belt heads (Acme engineered)
- Compliant buffing wheel heads (Acme engineered)
- Compliant wheel or belt heads utilizing non-woven abrasives
A Selection of Our Robotic Construction Equipment Finishing Customers

Robotic Metal Finishing Solutions
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